
2023-06-29 11:14 百科知识

tpc是什么意思4. 发送功率控制:它对应于IEEE的802.11a,工作在5GHz频带,采用OFDM技术,并且具备动态频率选择(DFS)、发送功率控制(TPC)功能,支持最高数据速率为54Mbps. 在MAC层,HiperLAN2采用预留TDMA多址方式,动态TDD双工方式. 并且能够在高吞吐率下支持QoS,发射功率控制: 传送格式组合指示(TFCI)的编码 407. 用于QPSK模式的传输格式组合指示(TFCI)的编码 407. 用于8PSK的传输格式组合指示(TFCI)的编码 437.2.3.2 发射功率控制(TPC)编码 45细菌总数:微生物细菌总数(TPC)也已减少到最高每克100. 重金属要求也被扩展,除铅之外还包括砷和汞. 其它要求保持不变. 在此第3版中,一些新的要求被提出以满足草药添加剂如印度楝树提取物的需要.台灣電力公司:在亚洲动力煤市场好转之后,为了确保及时供应,台湾电力公司(TPC)电力 公司已开始通过竞标方式来采购2003年动力煤. 台湾电力公司通过两次招标与中国大陆的神华集团签订了两个一年期的合同, 总供应量为100万吨. 此外,With a theoretical analysis, a gas mixture of Argon, CH4 and CF4 is proposed.


But we did not meet the TPC family here, and will create social value of the times, to create a future world become the hero and tireless efforts.


Under the background of SQL Server Migration project for State Street Bank, this paper introduces the basic of database first, then analyses the mode of TPC-C benchmark.

本文以某国际金融服务公司的一个SQL Server Migration项目为背景,首先介绍了数据库系统的基础知识,再对TPC-C基准的商业模型、表结构和事务类型进行了的阐述和分析。

Objective To investigate the effect of thrombin preconditioningon the apoptosis of hippocampal neurons and explore the potential mechanisms.


The expressions of VEGF and nm23 are significantly correlated to lymphaden metastasis in TPC.

VEGF和nm23 的表达与甲状腺乳头状癌的侵袭转移密切相关。

TPC的翻译Differential detected turbo product coded modulation and persity receptions of the TPC-MDPSK in correlated Rayleigh-fading channels are studied.


The Kylin operating system is supported by HI-TECH Research and Development Program of China.


911查询·英语单词This thesis chooses as analyzing tool by Matlab/Simulink, and uses the model of Asynchronous Generator. This research commences on a smaller power system first, and selects the wind farm at Yunlin Mailiao of the second issue of the TPC's projects of wind power to simulate. Simulation as wind turbines using type of SCIG and DFIG connected to the system, including interconnection of wind turbines, location of wind turbines, fault current analyzation, dynamic and transient phenomena. To understand the impact as interconnection of the large wind farms and the influence of wind turbines during the fault.

本文采用软体 MATLAB/Simulink 为分析工具,及其内建之非同步机模型,研究首先从小型系统著手,最后再选择台电二期风力计画中之云林麦寮实际风场进行模拟,过程中以鼠笼式和双馈式两种形式的风机并入系统来进行模拟,包括风机并网、并联位置选取、故障电流分析和动暂态响应,以了解当大型风场并网对系统的冲击与系统故障时对风机的影响。

The simulation on the AWGN channel shows that the performance curve is convergent at increasing iteration times, and eTPC outperform TPC near 1 dB at high code rate.

在AwGN信道下进行性能仿真,结果表明,eTPC随着迭代次数的增加,性能曲线收敛;在码率较高的情况下,eTPC比TPC编码增益高出近1 dB。

Division I is a Hong Kong enterprises, based on operating common plastics, engineering plastics and thermoplastic rubber suppliers both headquartered in Hong Kong, including Taiwan Chimei Chimei, Zhenjiang Chi Mei, the United States DuPont Dupont, Bayer Bayer, Basel Basell, Electricity of Japan Denka, Dow Dow, ExxonMobil Exxonmobil, Kraton Kraton, Lanxess Lanxess, Samsung, Samsung, Mitsubishi MEP, Nantong Rayon NRC, Elizabeth Sabic, Teijin Teijin, Japan's Toray Toray, Thai-based TPI, new poly TPC, poly Units USI, Ube UBE, GLS and other world-renowned chemical related product sales, are also engaged in domestic and other waste plastics/vice licensing trade, Hong Kong, the mainland settlement alone can pay a single transaction in U. S.


Husband, Jay, Doris did $50, 000 of business in the first year. Today only


The primary tracking device at STAR is a large Time Projection Chamber, which has a diameter of 4m and a length of 4.2m.

STAR 上的主要径迹探测器是一个直径为4米,长4.2米的大的时间投影室 TPC 。

The latest structure of titanium metal lever and the more advanced of the TPC-stabilizing device to successfully reduce the weight of the clubhead, will be the focus of pressure lower, deeper, forming the ideal location.


A, Partners Since its inception until now, met with many domestic and foreign petrochemical enterprises have extensive cooperation and exchanges, which has South Korea's SK, Hanwha, Hyundai, Daelim, Honam Petrochemical, Oil daehan, Samsung, Hyosung; Japan Mitsubishi, Ube, Dili, and the United States of Exxon, Dow, West Malaysia oil; Singapore TPC; Saudi SABIC; Netherlands DSM; British BP and so on.


It was found that total carotenoid content was degraded during kumquat wine fermentation. Fresh kumquat baked at 100oC for 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours were marked as BM2, BM4, BM6, BM8, respectively. After heat treatment, nearly all of the treats were reduced in their TPC, TFC, and ORAC except BM6, whose TFC and ORAC were increased 1.22-fold, and 1.25-fold, respectively.

将新鲜金枣以 100oC 热风烘烤 2、4、6及8小时(分别标示为 BM2、BM4、BM6、BM8)后,总酚与总类黄酮含量及自由基吸收能力几乎皆有下降的趋势,但 BM6 之总酚变化最不显著,且其总类黄酮含量增加为 1.22 倍,而 BM8 之氧自由基吸收能力则增为1.25 倍。

TPC Technology will assume responsibility for sourcing, distribution, marketing and sales of all Philips` IT Displays activities worldwide under its new company, MMD.

其所成立之新公司,MMD 公司,将负责全球所有飞利浦 IT 显示设备的经营活动,包括货源取得、渠道分销、营销活动及销售业务等。

TPCThe results showed that: TPC is heavy brownish red and shapeless powder.


May 12, the Inspur server successfully broke the global intelligent computing record TPC-H.


A series of terpolymers (DPODPS/DPOBP/TPC) were prepared by low temperature solution polycondensation of 4, 4'-diphenoxydiphenylsulfone, 4, 4'-diphenoxybenzophenone and terephthaloyl chloride in 1, 2'-dichioroethane in the presence of AlCl3 and NMP.


At the famed 17th island green at TPC Sawgrass.

著名的水中绿岛的第 17 洞的第一杆被一阵强风吹入水中。







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